Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Will I Wait for Godot?
Will I Wait for Godot?
Can I wait for Godot
With wishes of lawn
And peacocks to behold/ / /
And monkeys to hold
Dogs to play with
And a lover
To talk and walk with
Holding hands, sharing love
Can I wait in wishes?

Will I Wait for Godot?
By Eric WordSmith

Abraham Oloche knows I can
You can, I can and we all can
Wait in wishes.
But will I just wait
With wishes in my mind
And prayers in my mouth
And hope in my pocket
As towers of powers
And arrows as medals
Of fulfilment?

Will Creator who worked for secen days
Bless just the waiting, wishes and words?
If He spoke of the prodigal who wished
And arose and went,
Then magic won't meet wishes
But miracle will meet making moves.

By Samuel Oladimeji Kuye (Eric WordSmith)

1 comment:

  1. “The artist seeks out the luminous detail and presents it" He has shown the readers how we wait, sometimes unknowingly to us. Whatever elements or thing “Godot" may mean to one, it's worth waiting for. Imagine some of those mistakes of ours that could have being averted if we had little, little patience. Whitney Boston sang and says “There can be miracle when You believe, though hope is frail, it's hard to kill...who knows what miracle you can achieve?...when you believe somehow you will..."

    What then should dichotomies ones waiting from that of the actors in Samuel Beckett's play is that while waiting, they ain't busy. Probably one should differ from Beckett's Existential waiting. Maybe then we will see the importance of waiting and our “Godot" will come soon enough.


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